Driving down the road with 4 new tires an hour and a half later, plus some necessities too, I noticed how major smooth the ride felt. DD commented that "new shoes on the old girl made a difference." How true. The were the factory tires from when I bought the car and probably weren't the best anyway.
Uniroyal Tiger Paw - good enough for me! She's looking sharp now. I'm so easily delighted with the simple necessities of life.
Speaking of life, I wondered if this was Divine Intervention. I could have been on I-95 and gotten stuck on the side of the road with a flat tire - or worse. Tomorrow I am driving friends to a stamp party that is 40'ish minutes away and a flat would have not been good then either. Then, in early June we are driving up to Virginia. So, looking ahead, this was a good time to discover a potential problem - much easier to take care of. If anyone would like to share your thoughts on Divine Intervention I would love to read them!